
Do you make gluten free bread?

We do not offer gluten free bread, and we wouldn’t dare to try in our tiny bakery space in the name of food safety and cross-contamination. However, we have several breadfriends who have previously struggled with some level of gluten intolerance but are able to easily ingest our naturally-leavened, long-fermented sourdough, made with locally-milled grains.

Where are you located?

We don’t have a storefront; we are a certified home bakery operating out of our house in College Hill. We offer weekly bread pickups for subscribers only, and you can also find our products at:
The Green Bean on Elm (cookies)
Deep Roots Market (bread)
Baked GSO (bread on Fridays only)
Fireweed Coffee booth at The Corner Farmer’s Market (cookies on Saturdays only)
- Out of the Garden Project’s
Urban Teaching Farm CSA (bread)

What’s in your bread?

Our house sourdough has four ingredients: flour, water, salt and yeast. Our flour is locally milled from The Old Mill of Guilford, a 250-year old historic mill here in Guilford County. The yeast comes in the form of a naturally-leavened sourdough starter, fondly named Gary, that Jeff made from scratch in 2016.